Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Getting ready

Geting all the sources and info together for the show. Are you familiar with the "Golden Raspberry Awards"? Because we will tell you everything about them and make some predictions!
-Lady Madonna
Sent from R2-D2

Monday, January 30, 2012

This week on Camera Roll

This week we will talk about the Razzies, the awards to the worst of the worst in the movie bussiness, we're going to have some fun and make our own nominations! (with tv nominations too!) We will also discuss the oscars so feel free to comment, it might make it to the show.
-Lady Madonna
Sent from R2-D2

Friday, January 27, 2012


Welcome tho the blog for Camera Roll the show where we talk anything and everything about the TV and movie business WEDNESDAYS from 4-6 (pacific time)